Tudor Cioara - Professor of Computer Science

Computer Science Department
Faculty of Automation and Computer Science
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

Activity Overview

I am a full Professor at Computer Science Department, Faculty of Automation and Computer Science, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and a senior researcher of the Distributed Systems Research Laboratory (DSRL).

My research interests are in the areas of Energy Efficiency in Large Scale Distributed Systems, Big Data Analytics, IoT and Blockchain Technology, Ambient Assisted Living, Modelling and Simulation, Multidisciplinary Optimization, Bio-Inspired Optimization.

The primary focus of my research activities is on resource management in large-scale distributed systems (data centers, smart energy grid, smart factories, etc.) aiming at optimizing their operation, especially in terms of energy efficiency and lower carbon footprint. Also, I have addressed problems related to the development of ambient assistive living systems for the care of older adults. More details about my research activities can be found here.

My teaching activities address three main disciplines in close correlation with the distributed system area: programming techniques, distributed informational systems, web programming for large-scale distributed streams, and big data analytics. More details about my teaching activities can be found here.

I have defended my Ph.D. in 2012 with the thesis "Context aware adaptive systems with applicability in green service centres" and received my habilitation in 2019 with the thesis "Efficient management of resources in large scale distributed systems".

In 2020, toghether with my colleagues Ioan Salomie and Ionut Anghel, I have received the Romanian Academy Award "Constantin Budeanu" for the contributions brought in the area of "Intelligent solutions for energy ecosystems".