Project |
Role |
Status |
HE HORIZON-CL5-2022-D4-01, DEDALUS: Data-driven Residential Energy Carrier-agnostic Demand Response Tools and Multi-value Services |
TUCN Project Director
Ongoing (2023-2026) |
H2020 LC-SC3-EC-3-2020, BRIGHT: Boosting DR through increased communIty-level consumer engaGement by combining Data-driven and blockcHain technology Tools with social science approaches and multi-value service design |
TUCN Project Director
Ongoing (2020-2023) |
H2020 AAL engAGE: SManaging cognitivE decliNe throuGh theatre therapy, Artificial intelligence and social robots drivEn interventions |
WP Leader
Ongoing (2021-2024) |
H2020 AAL H2HCare: Social robot-based solution for elders’ Care management and coaching after discharge from Hospital to Home |
Project Coordinator
Ongoing (2020-2023) |
RO PNIII PP H2020 10/2021 Increasing the involvement of energy consumers at the level community by combining technologies of data analysis and blockchain |
Project Coordinator
Ongoing (2020-2023) |
H2020 AAL ReMember-Me: Smart assistant to prevent and detect cognitive decline, promote cognitive function and social inclusion among older adults |
Senior Researcher |
Ongoing (2020-2023) |
RO PNIII PD33/2020 COOLDC: Data Centers Liquid Cooling: Novel Techniques for Optimal Thermal Flexibility Shifting and on-demand Waste Heat Re-use |
Project Mentor
Finished (2020-2022) |
H2020 AAL ReMIND: Robotic ePartner for Multitarget INnovative activation of people with Dementia |
Senior Researcher |
Finished (2018-2022) |
H2020 LCE-01-2017, eDREAM - enabling new Demand REsponse Advanced, Market oriented and secure technologies, solutions and business models |
TUCN Project Director
Finished (2018-2021) |
H2020-EE-2016-2017, CATALYST: Converting DCs in Energy Flexibility Ecosystems |
TUCN Project Director
Finished (2017-2020) |
H2020 AAL MedGUIDE: ICT Integrated System for Coordinated Polypharmacy Management in Dementia Patients |
Scientific and Technical Manager
Finished (2017-2019) |
COST Action CA15140 - Improving Applicability of Nature-Inspired Optimisation by Joining Theory and Practice (ImAppNIO) |
Outreach Coordinator
Finished (2016-2020) |
DSRL – Montran Labs Bilateral Research Project - Blockchain distributed systems technology and services for electronic registration, transacting and processing of assets |
Project Coordinator
Finished (2016-2019) |
FP7-ICT-2013.6, GEYSER - Green nEtworked Data Centres as EnergY ProSumErs in smaRt city environments |
Senior Researcher |
Finished (2013-2016) |
FP7 AAL Elders-UP!: Adaptive system for enabling the elderly collaborative knowledge transference to small companies |
Senior Researcher |
Finished (2014-2016) |
FP7 AAL DIET4Elders: Dynamic Nutrition Behaviour Awareness System for the Elders |
Senior Researcher |
Finished (2013-2016) |
PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-2016-37, OPTIPLAN - Technologies for Digitalization, Analysis and Optimization of Manufacturing of Flow Regulators and Monitors at Emerson Factory |
Project Coordinator
Finished (2016-2018) |
PN-III-P2-2.1-BG-2016-36, ECO2CLOUD - Technologies for efficient management and scheduling of cloud resources in cloud for reducing Alpis data centre energy consumption |
Senior Researcher |
Finished (2016-2018) |